
出版时间:2002-5  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:[美] Thomas H. Cormen,Charles E. Leiserson,Ronald L. Rivest,Clifford Stein  页数:1180  字数:1650000  




Thomasd H.Cormen是达特茅斯学院计算机科学系副教授,Charles E.Leiserson是麻省理工学院计算机科学与电气工程系教授,Ronald L.Rivest是麻省理工学院计算机科学系教授,Clifford Stein是哥伦比亚大学工程与运营研究所副教授。


PrefaceI Foundation Introduction  1 The Role of Algorithms in Computing   1.1 Algorithms   1.2 Algorithms as a technology  2 Getting Started   2.1 Insertion sort   2.2 Analyzing algorithms   2.3 Designing algorithms 3 Growth of Functions   3.1 Asymptotic notation   3.2 Standard notations and common functions  4 Recurrences   4.1 The substitution method   4.2 The recursion-tree method   4.3 The master method   4.4 Proof of the master theorem  5 Probabilistic Analysis and Randomized Algorithms  5.1 The hiring problem   5.2 Indicator random variables   5.3 Randomized algorithms   5.4 Probabi1istic analysis and further uses of indicator II Sorting and Order Statistics Introduction  6 Heapsort   6.1 Heaps   6.2 Maintaining the heap property   6.3 Building a heap   6.4 The heapsort algorithm   6.5 Priority queues  7 Quicksort   7.1 Description of quicksort   7.2 Performance ofquicksort   7.3 A randomized version of quicksort   7.4 Analysis ofquicksort 8 Sorting in Linear Time   8.1 Lower bounds for sorting   8.2 Counting sort   8.3 Radix sort   8.4 Bucket sort  9 Medians and Order Statistics   9.1 Minimum and maximum   9.2 Selection in expected linear time   9.3 Selection in worst-case linear time III Data Structures Introduction  10 Elementary Data Structures   10.1 Stacks and queues   10.2 Linked lists   10.3 Implementing pointers and objects   10.4 Representing rooted trees  11 Hash Tables   11.1 Direct-address tables   11.2 Hash tables   11.3 Hash functions   11.4 Open addressing   11.5 Perfect hashing  12 Binary Search Trees   12.1 What is a binary search tree?   12.2 Querying a binary search tree   12.3 Insertion and deletion   12.4 Randoinly built binary search trees  13 Red-Black Thees   13.1 Properties of red-black trees   13.2 Rotations   13.3 Insertion   13.4 Deletion  14 Augmenting Data Structures   14.1 Dynamic order statistics   14.2 How to augment a data structure   14.3 Interval trees IV Advanced Desthe and Analysis Techniques……V Advanced Data StructuresVI Graph AlgorithmsVII Selected TopicsVIII Appendix: Mathematical BackgroundBibliography Index


  一流的品质,优惠的价格,本套教学用书的特点:  权威性——教育部高等教育司推荐、教育部高等学校信息科学与技术引进教材专家组遴选。  系统性——覆盖计算机专业主干课程和非计算机专业计算机基础课程。  先进性——著名计算机专家近两年的最新著作,内容体系先进。  经济性——价格与国内自编教材相当,是国内引进教材价格最低的。




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