
出版时间:2007-4  出版社:中国电力出版社  作者:孙彦忠,张金梅,王仪梅,马淑英 著  页数:105  


  在使用人民教育出版社出版的初中英语教材“Go for it时,我们遇到了一个很大的困难:缺少真正与教材配套使用的同步阅读练习。为此,我们组织海淀区十余名任课教师编写了这套“初中英语同步阅读”丛书。  本丛书严格与教材配套,共5册,是按照单元编写的。初三阶段,为了帮助学生准备“中考”,还设计了10套“模拟阅读试题”。  每个单元设计了4个阅读篇章,内容与教材单元话题相关,并且难度适当,尽量使用单元中出现的词汇、语法,帮助学生巩固学习重点;在体裁上,每个单元都尽量包括了“新课标”重点要求初中阶段学生需要掌握的记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。阅读材料语言地道、信息量大、具有时代气息,符合这个年龄段学生们的兴趣。  在编写过程中,我们注重学生阅读学习过程,每个单元的四篇文章难度逐渐递增,有利于不同层次的学生阅读能力的发展。另外,为了便于学生阅读,每篇文章标明了生词的中文释义,并用注释的形式标注出短语、句型及语法。  在活动设计方面,我们注意与各地“中考”的发展趋势相结合,既有常用的“正误判断”、“多项选择”,也有“任务型”阅读练习,如“根据文章内容填写表格”。另外,我们还采用了“读”“写”结合的题型,如根据文章内容“回答问题”等。我们的设计意图是:体现用语言做事的理念,启发学生积极思维,调动学生学习的积极性,使学生在知识、能力等方面都能得到提高和发展。




Unit 1How often do you exercise?Unit 2What's the matter?Unit 3What are you doing for vacation?Unit 4How do you get to school?Unit 5Can you come to my party?Unit 6I'm more outgoing than my sisterUnit 7How do you make a banana milk shake?Unit 8How was your school trip?Unit 9When was he born?Unit 10rm going to be a basketball playerUnit 11Could you please clean your room?Unit 12What's the best radio station?参考答案


  Jane's school day stars at eight-thirty. It begins with a group discussion of fileChildren s News-round of the night before. After that, file children usually have amatil or an English lesson. At ten-tifirty there is a fifteen-nfinute's break. Then tilechildren play outside. After tile break they have geography, history, or biology. Inmost Canadian schools tile children are divided into groups that stay together allday. Each group has its own teacher, who teaches almost every subject.  At twelve-fifteen the children eat their sandwiches at home or school. Afterthat, they play all kinds of games, like marbles, skipping, ball, and tag.  Jane's school day goes on, and she starts up at one o'clock. In the afternoon, the children study French ormath, or they have a music class, physical education, or swimming lessons. Sometimes they put on plays. There aretwo computers in the classroom. The children take turns using them. Today it is Jane's turn to use the computerand she will work on math.  School finishes at half past three. Jane goes home by bike directly.   ……





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