
出版时间:2009-6  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:西蒙兹  页数:112  


When I was an undergraduate, working as a co-op student at North Ameri-can Aviation, I tried to learn something about tcosors. In the AeronauticalEngineering Department at MIT, I had just finished an introductory coursein classical mechanics that so impressed me that to this day I cannot watch aplane in flight——especially in a turn——without imaging it bristling with vec-tors. Near the end of the course the professor showed that, if an airplane istreated as a rigid body, there arises a mysterious collection of rather simple-looking integrals called the components of the moment of inertia tensor.Tensor——what power those two syllables seemed to resonate. I had heard theword once before, in an aside by a graduate instructor to the cognoscenti inthe front row of a course in strength of materials. "What the book calls stressis actually a tensor...."  With my interest twice piqued and with time off from fighting the brush-fires of a demanding curriculum, I was ready for my first serious effort atself-instruction. In Los Angeles, after several tries, I found a store with a bookon tensor analysis. In my mind I had rehearsed the scene in which a graduatestudent or professor, spying me there, would shout, "You're an under-graduate. What are you doing looking at a book on tensors?" But luck wasmine: the book had a plain brown dust jacket. Alone in my room, I turnedimmediately to the definition of a tensor:. "A 2rid order tensor is a collectionof na objects that transform according to the rule..." and thence followed aninscrutable collection of superscripts, subscripts, overbars, and partial deriv-atives. A pedagogical disaster! Where was the connection with those beauti-ful, simple, boldfaced symbols, those arrows that l could visual/ze so well?  I was not to find out until after graduate school. But it is my hope that,with this book, you, as an undergraduate, may sail beyond that bar on whichI once foundered. You will find that I take nearly three chapters to prepare.


本书是Springer数学本科生教程系列之一,适合于工程、物理、数学以及相关应用学科的高年级本科生。本书可以作为学习连续介质力学和广义相对论的很好的过度。这部简明的教程还包括了一些给出解答的问题和一些练习。读者有基本微积分和线性代数的知识,并对力学和几何的基本观点熟悉将会更容易学习理解本书内容。  本书是第2版,增加了不少新的练习,也增加了一部分专门讲述微分几何,这可以引导读者学习在弯曲连续理论中的应用。




Preface to the Second EditionPreface to the First EditionCHAPTER I Introduction: Vectors and Tensors Three-Dimensional Euclidean Space Directed Line Segments Addition of Two Vectors Multiplication of a Vector v by a Scalar Things That Vectors May Represent Cartesian Coordinates The Dot Product  Cartesian Base Vectors The Interpretation of Vector Addition The Cross Product Alternative Interpretation of the Dot and Cross Product. Tensors Definitions The Cartesian Components of a Second Order Tensor The Cartesian Basis for Second Order Tensors ExercisesCHAPTER II General Bases and Tensor Notation General Bases The Jacobian of a Basis Is Nonzero The Summation Convention Computing the Dot Product in a General Basis Reciprocal Base Vectors The Roof (Contravariant) and Cellar (Covariant) Components of a Vector Simplification of the Component Form of the Dot Product in a General Basis Computing the Cross Product in a General Basis A Second Order Tensor Has Four Sets of Components in General Change of Basis ExercisesCHAPTER III Newton's Law and Tensor Calculus Rigid Bodies New Conservation Laws Nomenclature Newton's Law in Cartesian Components Newton's Law in Plane Polar Coordinates The Physical Components of a Vector The Christoffel Symbols General Three-Dimensional Coordinates Newton's Law in General Coordinates Computation of the Christoffel Symbols An Alternative Formula for Computing the Christoffel Symbols A Change of Coordinates Transformation of the Christoffel Symbols ExercisesCHAPTER IV The Gradient, the Del Operator, Covariant Differentiation, and the Divergence Theorem The Gradient Linear and Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems The Del Operator The Divergence, Curl, and Gradient of a Vector Field The lnvariance of V. v, V x v, and Vv The Covariant Derivative The Component Forms of V- v, V x v, and Vv The Kinematics of Continuum Mechanics The Divergence Theorem Differential Geometry ExercisesIndex








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  •   内容很不错,虽然简单了一点,但是毕竟是导论,张量分析是很复杂很庞大的一门数学分支。里面的讲解比较浅显,有益于学过矢量分析的再来进阶,一个过渡吧。但是至少学狭义相对论和高等电动力学是基本够用了。
  •   张量的写法和运算总是看不懂,还好发现这本书有很认真的讲这些基本的东西。另外这本书就那么几页可在国外真的买很贵。虽然我有PDF的但是觉得很有用所以还是买下来了。
    另外这个国内版的印刷很差劲。不清楚 有点糊。和国外的印刷效果差远了。不过看在价钱差10倍的份上吧。
  •   封面很不错,内容很实用
  •   英文版的,还没看
  •   还不错吧,我还没有仔细阅读,就印刷质量来看还行
  •   大师著作,受益匪浅
  •   国外的教材就是好,写得清晰!!
  •   大师级的作品,值得一看
  •   做电动力学、场论必备工具。 顶一下。
  •   很简练,写英文论文的好帮手
  •   就是度不太懂。。。,
  •   学张量,学英语,一书在手,张量学好
  •   虽然是影音版,但是印刷质量还行
  •   还没看 但我喜欢
  •   买了,要啃
  •   张量的基本问题都提到了,但是太简单
  •   因为是影印版,所以有些模糊,下角标有的不是很清晰
  •   感觉一般,对于想入门的来说
  •   刚开始看,开头还可以,不过英文的,得耐点心
  •   书很薄,字很小,最主要的是字不太清楚。不过考虑到它的价格便宜,就凑合用吧,总比电子版的要好。
  •   看过三本张量教材,国内的两本实在看不下去,越到后面概念讲得越简单模糊,理解能力差点就没办法了,这本就好得多,书很薄但概念清晰,而且有算例,好理解
  •   书很薄,貌似很不错的样子。
  •   剛收到書,印刷質量還行,準備進一步學習~
  •   还没看,看豆瓣评论还不错,想用来做张量分析的入门
  •   就像引言里说的,作者希望由浅入深的讲张量,确实书里也这么干的,语言通俗。得写习题,不然看了还是不会。
  •   书比较薄,但写得很流畅,对数学知识的表述是地地道道的英文,有时一句话真值得好好品味,很希望自个有朝一日也能用英文如此流畅而且地道的表达
  •   入门级教材,初步了解的话已经足够了
  •   内容没得说了,就是感觉有点吃力,基础不好吧
  •   写的很清楚明白,条理清晰
  •   字体有些小,讲的内容很专一。国内似乎没有专门讲张量的书,这个小册子作为入门还是不错的。
  •   这本书是Simmonds.J.G.教学和研究的心得,非常有特点,建议有一定基础的学生参考。
  •   收藏一下,学习备用。
  •   从卓越送货速度、图书纸质、印刷、价格来看,确实卓越!无可挑剔

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